Woo-Con! V

Where: Lowry Center, The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH

Who: Everyone is welcome!
College of Wooster students, staff, and faculty, residents of Wooster, people who are from out-of-town--all are free to join in the fun!

When: April 13th, 2019
10 AM - 9 PM

Tickets: No tickets needed!

Admission: Entirely FREE!

What is Woo-Con?

Woo-Con is a free, family-friendly nerd culture convention. We're an event run by The College of Wooster Anime Club, COWA!. We're a smaller con (100-200 or so attendees), soon entering our fourth year of operation. We hope that this next Woo-Con! is our best year yet!

Where is Woo-Con? Is there parking? Food?

Woo-Con is at the College of Wooster in Wooster, OH, in the Lowry Center. Most events are on the main floor, but some are on the top floor as well. And, yes, we have food and parking!

For parking information, click here.
If you would like directions, check here.
For information about dining options on The College of Wooster's campus, click here.

What kind of convention is it?

Great question! Since we're run by an anime club, we do tend to lean a bit toward anime in some aspects of the con, but Woo-Con as a whole is a general nerd/geek culture convention. Anime, musicals, video games, TV, superheroes, sci-fi, fantasy... No matter what kind of geeky hobby or series you're into, we hope you live long and prosper! And have fun at the con, of course!


We have a vendor area and artist's alley, all wrapped up in one! Whether you're looking for comics, anime merchandise, delicious homemade snacks, or some handcrafted prints and collectibles, our vendor area has you covered! Want to learn more? Read our vendor page for more info.


Whether it's a presentation, a group game, or even a discussion, Woo-Con has panels on a variety of topics. And don't worry--they're all free to attend! Want to learn more? Check out our Panel page.


Do you like cosplay? We have a cosplay contest! We also have anime screenings (more on that in the next section!), a Warhammer Table, and an free-play game room, with games provided, though you can bring your own games as well! Curious? Check out our Cosplay page and Schedule Page.


Funimation Entertainment has generously gifted our convention with a free viewing license for the 2019 convention. We have tons of fun anime to watch. Curious? Check out our Schedule Page (In progress).

Are you ready to continue your quest? Onward to our Con Guidelines!

Let's go!